Biyernes, Agosto 15, 2014

Green Marketing: Showcasing Recycled Plastic Bottles in a Green Way

Last August 13, 2014, Marketing 111 Students organized an exhibit to showcase their recycled plastic bottles in the College of Business Administration and Accountancy (CBAA) Lobby. They made different products out of plastic bottles like shoes, chandelier, flower vase, airplane toys, lampshade, ball pen stand and others. Students also posted slogans to encourage people to recycle plastic bottles in helping the environment clean and green.

Plastic recycling happens to be communities throughout the world. Plastics are known as the largest contributor of waste in the world. One of the most advantageous ways for re-using plastic products. This recycling process remains highly effective for recycling many products, including C2, Coca-Cola, Nature Spring Bottles and others.

One of the most important reasons why we should recycle  plastics remains hidden in the fact that plastics can take thousand of years to biodegrade. This means these bulky and plentiful plastic materials either continue to fill up landfills or they wind up in our streams and oceans and along the streets and meadows of our com
As my internet marketing subject point out, plastics are not recycled as efficiently as they should be. And this very important process will never begin until we, as individuals, take responsibility for helping the environment.

JEMA Days Sponsored by the World Class Business Institution

Last July 31, 2014, the Department of Entrepreneurial- Marketing, College of Business Administration and Accountancy (CBAA) celebrated their Junior Entrepreneurial- Marketing Association (JEMA) Days. It was a very enjoyable parade because Jollibee and Twirlie, two of the mascots of Jollibee Corporation joined also the parade from the college to Macarambon Hall. Though it was a long parade but students did not really felt tired because they were very entertained with the mascots as well as the pasikat contest in the streets, yelling and others. 


Then, the program started. Jollibee and Twirlie, danced in the stage. Students were really amused not only with their presentation but they find so cute at that time. Students are really acted like a kid, and it was really entertaining.

After the Opening program, the contest with different year levels started. They organized literary, musical and dance competition sponsored by the top prestigious establishments both local and national like Jollibee Corp., MS Events, Greenwich, Red Ribbon, Boardwalk, Tita Fannies, and Jecos. This was only the beginning of making the department world class and I know that there will be other prestigious celebration will be coming in our department. Let’s aim high and make the department world class in 2018.